Social media evolution or New Year resolution?

I know I am a walking contradiction. Despite uploading my stories and likes online, I have a paranoid (yet I think valid) belief that all our online activities, thoughts, opinions will come back and bite us in the bum, literally - this truthfully scares me. I still can’t program a TV or use a smart phone. I go to the phone store for staff to unlock my phone or top up my credit. My reliance on email and telephone to keep in touch with people has reduced. I have graduated to Skype, Facebook, and the occasional text. I am a modern woman. As a user, I find myself questioning myself and the mediums I use that now play an important role in connecting me to friends, relatives and colleagues. Skype allows my children to interact with their cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends located around the world - in real time. Skype keeps me on my toes as my mother comments on my appearance, weight, whether my children look fed and clean. ...