Home Sweet Home

It was my turn to pick up Little Miss from nursery. Given it was a ten minute round trip ride, I decided to take a risk.

I didn't pack Little Miss’ trip home snack (the only way to coax her home after an exciting day at nursery). I took the risk with the Baby.  I didn't dress her as warmly as I should have,thinking she will be exposed to the elements for a total of one minute.

I didn't take the nappy / spare change of clothes bag - thinking even a serious accident could wait ten minutes.

I took a risk with myself. No jacket, no grandma singlet (or in the UK they call them vests) to tuck into my jeans under my very thin top. No makeup, no money. Just the phone and keys.

We got home without incident.  Little Miss agreed to wait until we got indoors for her snack and the Baby was showing signs of falling asleep on routine without a tear.

We got to our front door; I put the key in – nothing. The door wouldn't swing open; the key stubbornly refused to turn. I tried again. Little Miss tells me to hurry up. The Baby starts to wiggle. Nothing again. I panic, take deep breath, tell Little Miss nicely ‘Please be quiet for moment’ and try again. Nothing.

Little Miss lay on the ground in fetal position, sniffling.  The Baby started to howl. I started to sweat, shake and tear.

I called Mr. Right in sheer panic.  Like a knight in shining armor, he arrived 40 minutes later.  Little Miss had fallen asleep on the ground. I was hyperventilating fearing Little Miss would develop rheumatism. The Baby was asleep in my arms, her head buried in my arm pit to keep warm, and I am about to pass out as I desperately needed to go to the loo.

We three run into our home (well, I do as does Little Miss; I am still holding the Baby). Little Miss runs to the kitchen. Sits down and politely asks for her snack. I put sleeping baby in her cot, with about three blankets to warm her up and run to the toilet and relax.

We’re all home safe and warm. All is well. I return smiling, tending lovingly to Little Miss and I ask Mr. Right if he would like a cup of coffee.

He was not smiling. Dead pan face. There was not even a glint of humor in his eye. He left a nice lunch out with a group of friends to rush home. He hadn't even had a sip of his beer when I called.

We weren't locked out after all. I had tried to open the door using the wrong key.  

Another experience to add to the list of stupid, embarrassing things I have done.

Please make me feel better and share your story.

This blog forms part of Lisa Lintern's blog a day challenge. Visit Melodramatic Me for more information.


  1. I once called 000 to get some 'advice' about a sparking noise coming from my gas stove. They said they would 'send someone around'. A few minutes later a heard a wailing sound in the distance...and before I knew it a firetruck pulled up outside my house and five firefighters were standing around my stove scratching their head. Oh, and did I mention that this all happened ON CHRISTMAS DAY. Took Greg many months to get over it... :)


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