Getting in touch – the 3 if’s.
1. Please let me know if you want me to write about a topic. I love a good lead (no, I am not lazy, I am sleep deprived), and be forewarned, I tell my readers that I have been paid (hint hint) OR provided a freebie (car and furnished mortgage-free home in Greece, London or New York in my name would be lovely).
I will provide honest and open opinions. But note, it is my opinion, my experience only. You can make up your mind whether you agree.
As many of my single 40+-something-year-old friends say, 'Call me!'
2. If you want me to do some serious business development, marketing or written work for you or your organisation as a paid consultant/freelancer, again, 'Call me!'
Further information about my skills, experiences and offerings is available on request. Please email me, and I will forward my professional bio.
3. If you want to comment on a piece and share a thought, advice or feedback – please do.
Apologies if I do not respond to all comments.
When I say 'Call Me', I do mean email me.
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