
Showing posts from September, 2020


Trella in Greek means madness. My ankle biters, the air that I breathe this week have turned into the wicked stepsisters, and I am slowly going mad – and am feeling very under appreciated, hence the term Cindertrella. They are walking advertisements for contraception today. It is hot. I am working from home. It is a busy, busy, busy time, and they are being messy, messy, messy. Trella I say, Trella! In addition to their very, VERY bad behavior, I have been in the not so romantic throws of pre back to school panic clean up.  I asked the little dictators to review & cull unwanted toys, books and clothes and to put them into two piles.  One for those less fortunate and one for recycling. A nice decluttering exercise. Low and behold – and not to anyone’s surprise, my request has been ignored. I have had enough. I am constantly cleaning up, telling them how cute and lovable they are, try to keep them active, aware, stimulated at all times and in the process have let mys...