It’s a Wrap People.

Break open the bubbly! Today is the last day of the 30 day blog a day challenge. Time to celebrate an achievement. It’s a mixed bag of feelings and awakenings. I am: Ecstatic that I stuck to it, and got through it. Amazed that I managed to juggle a blog a day with two kids under three and Mr. Lucky. In addition to the mundane, I have spent the last 30 days looking for alternative accommodation in Greece and the UK. We are moving to another short stay apartment – so am packing up to move house. AND we’re looking at apartments to move in to for when we go back to London, am packing up what we currently don’t need to ship that back to London. FUN!! Thrilled that I managed to reconnect with Ms. Lintern. Sad that the challenge is over – I enjoyed dusting off my brain, and giving the fingers a workout. Relieved that it’s come to an end, the pressure is off. It got tough towards the end. Liberated. I have managed to expel a range of r...