Telling it to my sisters.

As February rolls in, I can’t help but think this year is starting to gain momentum. I am determined to keep hold of most of my New Year Resolutions (I am losing the ‘get fit’ & ‘eat healthy’ resolutions. They were boring anyhow).  I am still on track with celebrating even the little things. To keep this going, I need to do key dates differently.

Put on the party hats people, this is the month of love. Valentine’s Day and Little Miss’ birthday are both in February. Don’t panic, this is not a love story blog about me and Mr. Lucky. It’s too soon for another blog about how brilliant Little Miss is.  I haven’t written about The Baby, yet. Don’t stop reading, today is not that day either. It is a blog about love though.

The blog is dedicated to a group of women that I love. Friends old and new. Individuals that have allowed me to throw my head back, open my mouth and show off my one filling as I laugh and laugh and feel alive.

They are responsible for the additional wisdom lines around my mouth and eyes. They are the ones that have helped me to get off my backside and do something (even it if is to put down that final glass of wine I should have not guzzled and bolt to the bathroom to donate my half-digested pizza to the toilet).

These are women that have created a bond beyond blood, and who form the true sisterhood.  The list is short, there are more to add – but these are women come to mind this morning, and I need to hit the publish button.

So, this is a call out to:
  • My dear friend that lived down the road. I miss you. I miss our Friday chocolate biscuit (packet) consumption ritual. I miss our long walks, our chats and texts. We are forever connected.
  • My former flat mate turned best friend.  Nobody dances better to Donna Summer’s ‘No more tears’ Thank you for showing me your moves, and for project managing the renovation of my flat when I couldn’t.
  • My friend that let Little Miss sleep with her when we were in Italy.  Only you would be cool with taking a toddler to a bar at night.
  • The girl that started this blog a day challenge - you kicked me into gear, I may not write as well as you (seriously, who can??) but who cares, I am having a lot of fun so thank you for giving me this opportunity.
  • The girls I emailed telling them about Mummyfried. You know me well enough to know I hyperventilate each day with each upload. Thank you for your support.
  • To the beautiful long haired girl I met at Starbucks three years ago and whose energy and strength is to be admired. Thank you for being my friend and for introducing me to Portuguese beer.
  • To my friend that traveled to London, spent five glorious days with me and made me leave the airport looking like a panda when I said goodbye… you are terrible at keeping in touch. But I love you anyway.
  • To the child carer that looked after Little Miss for more hours necessary allowing me to recuperate.  Nine months on, and Little Miss talks about you constantly and still thinks that week was a holiday.
  • My beautiful niece in Adelaide who sent me a lovely email when Little Miss came into the world, and who continues to surprise me with her beautiful thoughtful messages. You combine beauty with hope. I can’t wait to watch you grow older and  for you to realise your dreams.
  • To the woman that treats me like her own blood daughter and who during difficult times has encouraged me to find my inner strength. You are an inspirational woman. Your hair always looks great – so you can now stop asking me how it looks.
  • I have to add Mr. Lucky. He read this blog and suffered relevance deprivation. So Mr.Lucky, you've made the list. 
These are my mentors, my guides, my motivators, my sisters.  If all women were like you, perhaps those ugly words used to describe particular women would not exist.

Who forms part of your sisterhood?

This blog forms part of Lisa Lintern’s blog a day challenge. Visit Melodramatic Me for more.

I finally worked it out and have a Twitter account!!! Follow me @mummyfried


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