Animal avoidance - on hold

For those who do not know me, I am not particularly comfortable around animals. I selectively pet dogs and avoid cats like the plague. I think household pets are seriously smarter than what we give them credit for. Find a good docile attentive owner - and the ideal lifestyle is created. This gives any human like me, watching from afar hope to be reincarnated into a household pet.

Birds are as close to my heart as my love of hard labor on a summer’s day. Fish are to be eaten, or left to navigate the planet's plastic polluted waters. They definitely should not crammed into a small round fishbowl or not flushed down the toilet when they die.

We live in a dog-friendly and dog-loving leafy area, decorated with an enormous sprinkle of dogshit. This means I walk around the area with a not-so-happy or light spring in my step. 

My discomfort goes further. I simply can’t deal with houses that smell like animal.

Despite the above, I often find myself in the distasteful position of having cats rub up against me, and dogs vying for my attention. Murphy's Law I say - these instinctive living critters sense that their love, cuteness, and desire to be looked at by me may knock down a few of my so-called impenetrable concrete walls. I may and I do mean may, soften up.

My dirty little animal secret is known only by my children and now you, my 8th or if lucky, 9th reader. And why am I sharing this interesting bit of information? Because, this walking contradiction finds herself, thinking about getting a small dog.  

You read correctly. I am on the search to rescue or adopt a dog. It should come as no surprise to read that my pretentious side dictates that it must be either Tea Cup Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Shih Tzu (no shredding), Bulldog, or Boston Terrier. What is your preference?

And don’t worry. Like my own human ankle biters whom I adore, worship, and treat like royalty – this little addition to the family will have the same treatment.


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