Guilty little pleasures

 It's the third year I sent the lovely little ankle biters to two week camp.

The third time is the charm, they say. This year I am absolutely rocking it.

I have cleaned the house, done some self-care, exercised, gone out - not once, not twice, but countless times - and slept an unbelievable amount of hours.

I have reacquainted myself with Netflix - not when the critters are asleep - but on an ordinary evening.

I have cracked open bottles of wine, drank beer and NOT COOKED once.

I am in heaven.

I do miss them - but oh have I enjoyed the silence. Have I reveled in the freedom to listen to my favourite songs, dance like a mad woman in the loungeroom without judgement. Have I seriously lavished in stretching out in my bed - without fear of getting little foot-in-face surprises! Absolutely!

Too busy relaxing to write more. 


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