House Invasion

Not so long ago we had a houseguest. It was the first time we had an older adult stay with us in a long time. It felt like a combination of being gently assaulted, insulted and loved. 

This concoction of confusion left us feeling ... weird. When the home invasion ended – we were thankful to have someone who cared, gave and spent time with us and also grateful.


Our Guest was to arrive at 14.00. The doorbell rang at 9.30 am. 


Cleaning, meal plans and prep on a budget departed as quickly as the taxi that did the Guest drop off - as did my will and work schedule.

The never-ending monologues to the TV – were an absolute treat of an experience. The lover's abandoned daughter, who was in a relationship with her half-brother, would not listen to our Guest; oh no…  


The holding on to pee throughout the three back to back episodes caused a urinary tract infection – which as the only other adult in the household, meant that I had to hear about the pain of pissing blades for two hours during dinner prep. There was no escape.

And then, the critique on meal prep ..... why would I even consider using garlic in an Italian meal? Madness. Kinoa? WTF is that? But there is a silver lining. All observations were concluded with  'Oh well, lucky for me; I need to lose weight. Thank you.' 

The culinary 
side slap, completed the comment about my 'Chef is hot' tea towel. It hurt.

When the final day finally creeped about we three were met with sadness, confusion and relief.. I booked a taxi for a 7.30 am pick up for a 20 minutes ride to the next destination. I to set my alarm at 7.00 – ample time for a quick coffee and toast before a warm dry eyed departure. 

Guest rose at 5 am and promptly moved out of the bedroom and into the lounge room. Sat and coughed and commenced a new monologue at full volume.

I rose at 5.30 and kept the Guest company for the hour and a half. Upon departure – I was too overstimulated to rest before my workday was to start.
So I fumbled my way through the rest of the day - exhausted.

Little Miss reclaimed her bedroom & before closing the door, she politely asked not to be contacted for the day.


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