It's a New Year, a new me!

So I am a little late in posting this year. Thankfully - there are not many to shoot the poster!

Am thrilled to say that for the first time in many many years, this new year started well. Fun, peaceful, fruitful, happy, and with my little cherubs - huggy and kissy.

But the year isn't progressing the way it should be.  

One word, we all know - COVID.  

While many many poor souls have fallen victim to this awful virus and an enormous number of people have faced financial ruin, mental illness, trauma... without taking away from the absolute travesty we are all living - there is that other side of the coin, a little piece of sunshine... (well for me at least).

This c-word awful pandemic has exacerbated my fear, stress, weight & financial wellbeing.  It has impacted my overall balance. I feel lost, vulnerable and frankly, fearful. But in my attempts to keep sane, below is a list of what I have celebrated during this dark, somber and frightening time. It has:
  • Bought me physically closer to my cherubs as we work, learn and play at home
  • Focused my financial mindfulness 
  • Honed in on what is important
  • Put me in touch with my loved ones on a regular basis
And importantly
  • Put me just where I want and need to be today.... safe and snug in my home.
I am thankful for this, each and every second of the day. 

So yes, it's a new year - and while it was born into wave of death, illness, darkness, loneliness and uncertainty .... it's bought a little bit of something else,  gratitude.  


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