A better you and me!

I was recently asked to prepare a short informal piece on self improvement in 150 words. 

I decided to share it but add my own spin and a few more words for my little group of followers. 

Are you ready for an internal nip, tuck and lift for a new and better you in three non sweat-able steps? Well, read on...

1.  Sweeten the deal
There is an adage, what goes around comes around. Treat people the way that you expect to be treated.  Be fun, caring, loving, thoughtful and polite and watch it all come back to you. No doubt there are a few ungrateful sods who don't want to share the love, never mind, navigate your way around the potential cavity makers and focus on those that you sprinkle your sweet natural sugar on ... you will feel fab, and you will help others feel better too! 

2. What you think, you become*
Self-belief can move mountains. Begin by treating yourself well mentally and physically. When you start feeling good about yourself, you will start feeling great about what you do, when you do it, how you do it and who you engage with. Watch your confidence grow!

3. Loose the baggage
Disentangle and disengage from negative vibes, thoughts, and people. Free up your mind, time and soul. Open yourself up to moments of gratitude and opportunities. When you stop brooding, you will start to experience and recognise small achievements, you will start to celebrate life and feeling is contagious - it will snowball into success!

And that my dear reader(s)! is my free, non medical, lazy personal upgrade guide.

Use it, share it and stay positive!



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