Small things…

Yesterday I walked into the office, looked at my desk and found a little package of love… just for me! A lovely colleague surprised me by bringing in a packed lunch. She had prepared a delicious lentil salad accompanied by a little bag of walnuts and two apricots, I was so moved - that I teared. To sound a little weary and ‘woe is me’ it’s been a long time since somebody actually did something nice for me for no apparent reason. I actually forgot how much joy a person can bring, just by thinking of someone else. It brings light on a dark day, warmth to a cold world, hope when it’s all gone. This little act changed my day so much so that in addition to the tear and smile, it bought me a change in a mood where I actually left work happy and exhausted, not just exhausted. Last week, I bought my baby a new pair of leggings and a t-shirt. When I presented them to her, worried that she wouldn’t like them, she hugged me tightly and said ‘Mummy when did ...