Moving on

I never thought I would witness my fingers typing this sentence. It's cold and very wet. Each time I go out - I have to try to make myself as waterproof as possible. And I hate it. There, I typed it and it's true. I normally celebrate the cold. It means wearing lovely warm jackets, skivvies, warm socks (no need to paint my toe nails), sleeping with a duvet, drinking port... the list goes on. I used to love the fact I could cover up bumps and lumps for a good season. I didn't mind that my European skin would turn off white (OK, fleuro). Where has this grumpy woman come from? Close to a decade in cold, wet, dark, lovely London and I rarely complained about the weather (well, only London's summers, which I found unbearable). What is this sudden change? Is it age? Is it because of the children? It's not because it gets dark early. Greece is an 'any time' city. Children's activities begin at 6 pm. Doctor appointments can be at 8 pm. Going out a...