The boys and girls in blue.

I have talked about my uniform fetish in an earlier blogs entitled ‘ A call out ’. I can’t help but raise it again. I am often fascinated by people in uniform. They are so perfectly groomed. Shoes shiny, shirts tucked in. Hair in place. In my mind there is an air of mystery around somebody in uniform. You just can’t tell what type of person is under the cloth. Are they kind, approachable, funny, strict, creative? Are they as clean cut as their uniform suggests? If I visited them at home, would I enter a home so pristine and in such order that even I the germaphobiac would think the sterile environment was a bit suss? I always want to crack and unravel the mystique. Police officers fascinate me largely because these law enforcers require a combination I think of humor, empathy, strength, bravery and importantly intellectual and emotional maturity. Requirements that I think are missing from the list of essentials on a pol...