Nobody puts Baby in the corner
This is a blog of unconditional love. Even I have to roll my eyes and gag a little. So if you are at all like me, I urge you – stop reading. Help me save the reputation of this blog site and please STOP. Move along, nothing to read, nothing to say.. MOVE ALONG I URGE YOU! If you are at all on the soppy, 'water spurting out of your eyes at the drop of a hat' type, then by all means read on.....if I bring a tear to your eye – then I may have just salvaged my reputation and this blog, and blog site. I have been so caught up in the mundane and the day to day that an entire year has gone by since having the Baby and I feel cheated. Don't get me wrong. I have spent every waking hour and more often than not every half sleeping hour with her. I celebrate her existence with each and every breath – but still, I feel cheated. She sleeps in her own room. She is almost walking. She has seven teeth. She wants to feed herself. We no longer sterilise or boil water...