Missed Calling
Another early morning blog attributed to my mind racing through a cocktail of issues. The usual obsessions flow through me. Little Miss' tantrums. Am I too soft or too hard? Am I applying appropriate discipline techniques? It's The Baby's first birthday next week - where has the year gone? How has my precious cherub grown so quickly and right under my nose? Why can't I buy a version of WD 40 that will oil and mute my noisy joints? After running my nightly 'are they hot or cold' checks, those silly creaks wake the girls each time I creep out of their bedroom. I have accepted these issues and many more (mundane to others but critical to me). A range of new issues however have invaded my thoughts. Where is that Malaysian plane? What are the real implications of the Ukraine crisis? Will I ever stop obsessing about what is going on in the world? What will I watch when my nightly fix of a Turkish TV drama (with Greek subtitles) ends? This drama has h...