Last post for 2014

It's come around so quickly. The end of yet another year. I have been blogging for nearly a year, averaging on one blog a week. Not bad for a newbie. Sure the content has been snooze-worthy at times (ok most times). On a rare occasion I have managed to crack a smile from some readers, and some comments! This year has been the toughest yet greatest year of my life. My immediate family has bought me joy and laughter. I treasure them each and every second of the day. I wake up each morning and can't wait to see the smile, giggle and scream with laughter. I have been met with challenges I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Challenges that have changed the way I view people and relationships and life in general. I have fought battles I never imagined possible. I haven't won. I have come out wounded but hopefully wiser. The sort of wars I have had to take part in never result in a winner. I have said goodbye to people, hello to new friends and family and have p...